Bite the Hand
Starring Liana Liberato as Janet Leigh, “Bite the Hand” is a narrative short directed and written by Nolan Wilson Goff.
It’s July 7th, 1994. The Sojourner Rover has landed on Mars. Meanwhile, in a wind-blown California desert town, Janet Leigh McMillan is packing away her deceased, hateful mother’s house in preparation of a sale. As a 20-year old single mother, this is the break she needed to catch. Now, if only she could find the damn dog.
2020 / USA / 14:58
Official Selections
2021 Film Fort
2020 DeadCenter Film Festival
2020 HollyShorts Film Festival
2020 Maryland International Film Festival
2020 LA Shorts
2020 Nevada City Film Festival
2020 Eastern Oregon Film Festival
2020 Lone Star Film Festival
2020 Hill Country Film Festival
2020 Reel East Texas
Liana Liberato (Hulu’s Light As A Feather)
Dana Powell (Bridesmaids)
Denny McAuliffe
Jon Ryckman
Robby Che
TypeNarrative Film